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August 19, 2012 / sammu00

Toy train

August 19, 2012 / sammu00



Process Rectangle Block: At the start edit your preferences > Linear to centimeter and Time to NTSC(30 fps). Create a cube on Polygon menu/mode, and change values. Then rename it to Block_rectangle. Right click option on Edge, select all edges and choose Bevel options.

Process Triangle Block: Duplicate special the previous block and delete the polybevel2 in channel box by edit, delete Node. Rename it to Block_gable. Then choose Split Polygon Tool option from Edit Mesh. Change the values and apply. Click on the top side edge and then bottom side edge, continue to do so by going around the block and when you have completed, press enter. Now it has 2 different equal sections. Now select Vertex mode by right clicking. Set side panel to your main panel. Select the top left vertices then the top right, press w for Move tool and turn on Snap to grids. Drag the vertices down, press q. Hold right click to choose object mode. Then set Perspective panel as main panel. Select all edges except the one in the middle and Bevel it.

Process Triangle Block with curved Cutout: Duplicate special on previous block. Delete Node of polybevel3. On status line choose selected object live. Create a cylinder and change the values and turn off Make live. Select cylinder and use shift key to add the trianglee block to selection. Choose Modify, align tool and make the block at the bottom and middle of it. Press w and choose Move Tool, set Absolute Values display to Relative Transform and center the cylinder by entering values in Y axis.Next subtract the cylinder from the triangle, select the triangle block, then select the cylinder and select Mesh, Booleans, Difference. Right click choose edge, select entire block and deselect edges connecting the cutouts, dont deselect the bottom edges also deselect the two vertical edges in the center of the block sides. Then Bevel it.

Process Square Block: Create a cube and change values. Right click option on Edge, select all the edges and choose Bevel option.

Process Cylinder Block: Create a cylinder and change values. Right click option on edge, select the shape of the circle one by one for top and bottom and bevel it.


August 19, 2012 / sammu00

Rounded edge

Process Part 1: Create a cube and change the values for the subdivisions height, width and depth. Right click on vertex and select the 2 vertical rows at the corner, and press w to move the vertices down. Then press r to scale the vertices in. to get the following

Process Part 2: Continue from Part 1, i select the vertices on the outside and move it inwards. Then use the scale tool to move the vertices into the shape by pulling it 2 by 2 outwards. Also to make sure that the shape at the side is straight. to get the following

Techniques: Mainly is focusing on the vertices and knowing how to scale and move into shape.

August 19, 2012 / sammu00


Process for Combine: Create a cube and a cylinder, make it that the cylinder comes out of the cube. You can choose to combine the objects together by pressing spacebar and selecting on mesh, combine. The first image shows the x-ray look of the combined process. There is still a small part of the cylinder inside.

Process for Union: Create a cube and a cylinder again, and make the cylinder like extrude from the cube. This time, we press spacebar and select Mesh, Booleans, union. This image is the look of the union process in x-ray mode. The cylinder inside is gone.

Process for Differences: Same process as previous two, create a cube and cylinder and make the cylinder extrude out from the cube. Select the Cube first then the Cylinder, then select Mesh, Booleans, Differences. We will get the image of the cube, on the right of the image.

Now Select the Cylinder first then the Cube, then select Mesh, Booleans, Differences. We will get the image of the cylinder, on the left of the image.

Techniques: Combine objects using union method instead of combine method. And also to get the difference/ cut out of the objects. The object that is selected first will delete away the parts that the 2nd object has.

August 19, 2012 / sammu00


August 19, 2012 / sammu00


August 19, 2012 / sammu00

Exercise 3




Sense of Scale


 The lines of the prison building such as the  thickness and lengths of the lines is like the  same throughout, not much different. The  arrangement of the windows is aligned, which  makes it looks like it is a very strict place. As  the lines and design of the buildings looks very  strict and powerful.

 The  angles of the building is like straight,  which gives out a feeling that it has strict  rules and it is a very serious place. It doesn’t  have any special features or curves which  makes it look as though it is very boring and  looks very technical.

 The sense of  design for the  buildings and pillars is more strict  and more powerful as the buildings is  all straight and there isn’t much  curves which didn’t really bring out  the feeling of a very fun place.


 The lines are not in order as you can see the  alignment of things is not in a  straight line,  which makes it very interesting. The lines are  also of different lengths and thickness which  makes it very fun and interesting, like it could  be placed anything you would want it to be.  There is no boundaries to this building.

 The angles of the building is very messy, not  in order and it is not always straight or not  always like a  right angle. It appears to be  very fun as it  has a lot of different angles on  things and  objects. There is a lot of curves  and special  features which makes it really  interesting  and a very fun place to be at.

 The sense of design for the buildings  is more fun and childlike as there is  many curves and shapes which  brings out the fun of the building.The  placements of the objects is also all  over which makes it more  interesting from the normal  structure.

August 19, 2012 / sammu00

Exercise 1

April 25, 2012 / sammu00

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